How to remove paint from carpet.
Today we were asked to remove some paint spots ansd spills from the carpet in a house in Ipswich Qld that was getting ready to be rented out. The owner of the house decided to give the house a freshen up with new paint before renting this home out. Unbeknown to the painter, the drop cloths that were used to protect the carpet flooring just weren’t thick enough to prevent the paint spills from getting into the carpet.
This is what our Ipswich carpet cleaning professionals had to deal with when they arrived. Three bedrooms and lounge room full of paint spots that needed to be removed.
Now paint spills can be removed by the homeowner if your careful, but with this many spots that needed removing it made sense to call in the professionals.
If you need to remove paint from carpet and there is only a few spots then some of these steps can make paint removal successful.
Paint thinners.
You can apply a small amount of paint thinners to a white cloth and gently dab the spot until the paint is removed.
Nail Polish remover.
Nail polish remover can also be used to remove paint from carpet.
Rubbing alcohol.
Rubbing alcohol can be used as well. the beauty of using rubbing alcohol is that it totally evaporates leaving no residue in the carpet.
As always, apply any spotter directly to the cloth and not the carpet. Blot the stain and do not rub. All stain removal tips are to be used with caution. River city carpet cleaning recommends that stain removal be left to carpet cleaning professionals.
Now back to our paint removal job in Ipswich.
First we applied our special solvent to soften up all the paint spots on the carpets. Then, using our truck-mount carpet cleaning equipment we turned up the heat to our rinsing water and all the spots just melted away. Next we applied our neutralising shampoo to make sure all remaining paint residues are taken care of, and then we applied our lovely deodoriser to make the rooms smell fresh and clean.
Now we have another happy customer and his house is now ready to be put on the rental market.