31 Dec 2016

Rental Properties – Entry Condition Reports.

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The Entry condition report records the condition of the property at the start of the tenancy.

It is important that tenants and property managers/owners fill out this report properly to avoid problems in the future. The property manager/owner and the tenant each complete and sign their part of the report. For each item on the list they mark if it is clean, undamaged and working. The tenant can disagree with what the property manager/owner has written by including their own comments.condition-report

Photographs or video are the best way to support what you have written on the form and any specific problems.

For example, at the end of the tenancy the agent says that there will be a bond deduction for marks on a wall. The tenant can point out they listed this on the Entry condition report and provide photos taken, and date stamped, showing the marks on the wall the day the tenancy started.

Tip for tenants
Be sure to include information about the condition of lawns and gardens as well as the property itself.

Fast facts

  • The property manager/owner completes the form, signs it and gives a copy to the tenant at the start of the tenancy.
  • After completing and signing the form, the tenants must return the completed entry condition report to the property manager/owner within 3 days.
  • The property manager/owner will then return a copy of the signed and completed report to the tenant within 14 days.
  • The Entry condition report will be a vital tool in getting a bond refunded at the end of the tenancy.
  • If a tenant does not complete and return the report it means that they agree with the property manager/owner’s description of the property and it is an offence not to complete the report.
  • The completed report and any photos or video could be used as evidence by the tribunal in the event of a dispute.
  • The Entry condition report (Form 1a) is used for general tenancies (house, unit, townhouse, houseboat).
  • The Condition report (Form R1) is used for rooming accommodation.
  • The Entry condition report (Form 1b) is used for moveable dwelling parks.

Source information from https://www.rta.qld.gov.au/Renting/Starting-a-tenancy/Entry-condition-report

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Carpet Cleaning Ipswich Qld - Springfield Lakes - Forest Lake