Pre treatment pest control advice

Before starting a pest control activity at a place for a customer, a licensed technician must give the customer a notice (a pre-treatment pest control advice) for the activity as per Section 13 of the Medicines and Poisons (Pest Management Activities) Regulation 2021 in the State of Queensland. The pre-treatment pest control advice may be given personally, by mail or electronically.

The following information on this webpage is your pre-treatment pest control advice given to you electronically by a licensed technician. We encourage you to read the page carefully and follow the precautions noted and the instructions given by the licensed technician.

Please get in touch with the licensed technician below if you have questions about the pre-treatment pest control advice.

Pest Control Technician

Philip Greenwood Phone 0422176312

Technician’s Licenses

  • Queensland Pest Management Technician Licence Number: PMTO-13908


Following are the precautions that persons should take to minimise exposure to any pesticide used for carrying out the pest management activity.

  • Before we commence work, you must advise us of any persons or pets on-site, allergies, or other health concerns.
  • Any persons who may be particularly sensitive or suffer from allergic reactions should, as a matter of precaution, remain out of the premises for up to twenty-four (24) hours and not return until after the premises have been thoroughly ventilated. Leave any air-conditioners on ‘vent mode’ (so they circulate outside air into the building) at least four hours after the treatment or after re-occupying.
  • Should you suspect anyone has come into contact with a treated area and has been affected in any way, contact the Poisons Information Centre on 13 11 26 and have this notice with you.
  • You must cover all food items and utensils for humans, pets and animals before treatment, as directed.
  • You must remove or protect any people, animals, birds or fish during the treatment period. You should keep all pets and animals away from treated areas until dry, and any odour has cleared.
  • As directed, you must remove all clothing and items from your clothesline before treatment.
  • It would be best to avoid contact with treated surfaces until the insecticide has dried. This could take three (3) to twenty-four (24) hours in some cases.
  • Close all doors and windows during the treatment and keep closed until the odour has cleared on external treatments, which can take three to twenty-four hours in some cases.
  • When gaining access to or working in the roof void or subfloor areas, you should wear overalls and gloves, and a respirator avoids contact with any insecticidal products. The overalls and gloves should be washed immediately and separate from other washing or disposed of as soon as practicable.
  • You must observe any verbal advice provided by our firm or our licensed technician at the time of treatment.
  • Water Tanks: No treatment can be carried out around water tanks not fully sealed or to water collection areas. You must advise us of water tank installations.


Under the Act, the technician must not use a pesticide for the activity unless the pesticide is a substance that is APVMA approved for use to carry out the activity.

  • The licensed technician will use only pest management agents and products approved by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) and registered for use within the relevant State or Territory or under a Permit issued by APVMA or State Authority.
  • This pest management program can be ineffective if you fail to implement the recommended hygiene procedures by altering a building or landscaping or introducing conducive or infested materials.
  • While we take every care when applying the APVMA-approved pesticides, River City Carpet Cleaning & Pest nor the licensed technician shall be held liable should staining of timbers, fabrics, wall coverings, floor coverings, or any other articles occur. You indemnify us against any costs arising from such possible damages, and we provide no rectification works.
  • Where concrete drilling, cutting or both are required to apply an APVMA-approved pesticide, River City Carpet Cleaning & Pest nor the licensed technician accept no liability should damage result from concealed services such as power, gas, water, etc. You should provide clear and accurate plans before commencing any such site work. You indemnify us against any costs arising from such possible damages, and we give no rectification works.


  • Should we find structural or environmental conditions that prevent performing any treatments during the program quoted, we retain the right to review and revise the terms of the FREE Service Period or the cost of your investment.
  • Unless we provide specific written arrangements, the total contract price shall be due and recoverable by River City Carpet Cleaning & Pest on commencement of works.
  • Any FREE Service Period shall become null and void unless all monies due and payable to River City Carpet Cleaning & Pest are paid in full.
  • Where we provide a FREE Service Period, upon notification by you, we agree to provide such remedial treatment as may be required to the nominated property, at no cost to you, for the term of the FREE Service Period set by the licensed technician. Any FREE Service Period is conditional upon you immediately notifying us of the signs of the suspected pest infestation. We will carry out a remedial only to affected areas and follow the strict limits concerning the number of treatments per year detailed on the product label.
  • No responsibility is accepted, nor warranty expressed or implied, for any damage or consequential losses that may occur due to past, current or future pest activity.
  • The proposed treatment only applies to the pest species nominated by the licensed technician, and the program does not provide for a Pest Management Program against untreated pests.


  • We make no efficacy claims for general pest treatments beyond the claims made by the manufacturer of each APVMA approved pesticide subject to the environmental conditions, hygiene and sanitation requirements indicated on the latest APVMA approved product label.
  • We DO NOT exceed the number of residual applications indicated on the product label per year.
  • We DO NOT apply insecticides “off label” to treat pests not listed on the APVMA approved product label. 
  • We ONLY apply treatments at the registered application rates on the product label for target pests.
  • External general pest control treatments can remain effective for up to three months depending on the claims of the APVMA approved pesticide used.
  • Internal general pest control treatments can remain effective for up to twelve months depending on the claims of the APVMA approved pesticide used.
  • Your technician will advise the level of control achieved with your pest management program at the commencement of the service.


To the extent permitted by law:

  1. Nothing in this agreement operates to make us liable (whether under contract law, common law or otherwise) to you for any consequential, indirect or special loss or damage of any nature whatsoever, including (but not limited to) those arising out of delay, failure of a product, loss of production, business interruption, loss of revenue, loss of profits or loss of opportunity.
  2. Where a claim relates to a guarantee or warranty under the Australian Consumer Law, our liability to you under this agreement, whether in contract, tort (including, without limitation, negligence) or otherwise is in the case of the Equipment, limited to the replacement or repair of the Equipment or the cost of replacing or repairing the Equipment, and in the case of Services, is limited to the cost of resupplying those Services, whichever may be determined in our absolute discretion to be appropriate in the circumstances.
  3. In all other circumstances, our liability to you (including in contract, negligence, tort or any common law or statutory right) under this agreement will not exceed the total fees received by us from you according to this agreement; we are not liable for any claims made for injury, loss or damage whether caused negligently or otherwise to you or your property or any third party as a consequence of providing the Services, the Equipment or any additions.


We only use APVMA-approved pesticides

We provide the following hyperlinks to redirect you to the safety data sheets for the APVMA-approved pesticides we may use while carrying out a pest management activity. Please get in touch with the pest control technician if you require a specific safety data sheet not linked here.

Safety data sheets

Carpet Cleaning Ipswich Qld - Springfield Lakes - Forest Lake