Has my carpet colour faded?
Has my carpet colour faded?
As carpet cleaners we come across carpet that has faded all the time. Most homes in the Ipswich area have large windows and glass sliding doors. These large windows can create havoc with carpet allowing full sun to penetrate the indoor floors.
The first stage is the colour fading, then the yarns and backing materials start to deteriorate. A lot of carpets aren’t designed to withstand the sun and uv light.
What are some of the carpet types that can fade?
Both cheap and expensive carpets can both fade. Expensive carpets made from wool will fade. If you have windows that go to the floor then I wouldn’t recommend wool carpets.
The cheaper nylon carpets will fade also. If you were to select a nylon carpet then go for a solution dyed nylon with a 15 year warranty. Solution dyed carpets won’t fade.
Amazingly the cheap polypropylene carpets don’t fade because the colour is extruded through the whole yarn.
What can be done to help stop the carpet fading?
Tinting the windows will help stop the colour fading from the carpets.
Using outdoor shutters and blinds on the windows to stop the sun coming in.
You could have the carpet re dyed again to bring the colour back.
Move your furniture around regularly to let it fade evenly.
Most of the time the fading doesn’t really affect anything. Its just when you move out of your home or move furniture around that you will notice the faded carpets.
For more information on contact River city carpet cleaning Springfield Lakes