17 Sep 2013

Spring Cleaning-Carpet Cleaning and Pest Control.

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Spring cleaning.

With the warmer spring months now here things are getting busy. This is the perfect time of the year to start thinking about getting ready for the summer months. It is time now to start getting the house and garden in order. There are 3 main things to get ready for the warmer months this summer and they are:


Upholstery Cleaning.

Now is the time to get the upholstery cleaned and freshened up. Lounge suite cleaning will remove any spots and stains that may have occurred during those cosy winter nights while rugged up on the couch.The lounge suite will be left cleaned,  freshened up, and the only thing left behind will be a lovely fresh fragrance .

Carpet Cleaning.

The next thing on the list is getting the carpets back in good shape. This is the perfect time to have a spring clean. Tidy up the house and see what you might have that you don’t need anymore. You could give unwanted items to a charity or even sell things on ebay. Now that the rooms are all clear of unwanted items it time to call in your local carpet cleaner.

Pest Control.

Finally the last step is is get those crawly insects under control. This is the time of year that they start breeding. If pest treatments are done at this time of year it will dramatically reduce the number of pests seen this summer. A general internal/external pest treatment will take care of spiders (including Redback spiders),ants, cockroaches and silverfish. It will also reduce the amount of flies, mozzies and midges that tend to come out in the warmer months.

About the Author

Carpet Cleaning Ipswich Qld - Springfield Lakes - Forest Lake